Enterprise & Solution Architecture

technical architecture


Good Technical architecture starts with having business goals and objectives in mind. Knowing what a business wants to achieve ensures we build an appropriate architecture - not too simple but not over engineered.


With business goals in mind, we seek to describe all the required capabilities a business must have to meet its goals. We then do the business analysis to understand what capabilities exist and whether they are mature enough to work with.


To meet each business goal and deliver the required capability, we can build a technical solution aligned to a technology strategy and roadmap. The solution design seeks to demonstrate what needs building, how and who by.

Enterprise & Solution Architecture

We think building architecture has a lot in common with IT Technical architecture. You can create something without architecture and design, but the success of the build will be hard to predict and come down to luck, skill and experience of the builder and may prove costlier as you inevitably make changes and re-work as you go.

Having an upfront design and technical architecture before you build a solution to fulfil a business goal vastly increases the chance of success, along with its longevity, flexibility and quality.

Metatec are experienced in helping organisations establish a variety of architectures and seeing them through from RFP or Tendor through to implementation.

Quality Solution Design


Clear demonstration of how the solution meets business objectives and provides new or improved business capabilities


Technical Architecture blueprints, designs and frameworks that provides a clear view on what components are needed, how they will integrate including relevant data flows.


Considerations for how the solution will function when in production, including monitoring, alerting, logging and ongoing maintenance.


A solution that meets the available budget, both in terms of capital upfront investment and ongoing operational expenditure.


Secure by design, verified secure in implementation and demonstrably secure in operation. The solution needs to show how security will be maintained including patching and updating.


Define the options and vendors and analyse buy vs build and establish which best meets the organisations technical and strategic goals



It's rare the an organisation has a blank canvas to work from or has unlimited budget and resources to execute everything at once, so its vital that architecture lays out the steps that will be taken to see an architecture and design implemented. The roadmaps need to take into account business priorities, investment themes and budget, technical and business dependancies and availability of internal or external resources.