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Digital Strategy for Maddie Wade Author

Maddie Wade have been working with Metatec since before Metatec formally became who we are today. Having completed the Website design, setup their CMS and got their hosting setup, Maddie was on her way.

Not long after that we made the decision to make all our website available with https for free using the incredible LetsEncrypt so we went back to this site and installed the automation and certificate so the website is always available in secure form.

Roll forward to 2019 and Maddie Wade engaged Metatec again, this time to look at their Digital Strategy and help them grow the business.

We've spent time understanding Maddie's goals and looking at how we build a digital strategy and execute it. To get started we setup Trello to track goals, actions, tasks and keep everyone aligned and on-time. Trello say, "Trello’s boards, lists, and cards enable you to organize and prioritize your projects in a fun, flexible, and rewarding way."

With Trello now setup, we worked on expanding business goals into categorised and priortised tasks and work that will be needed to see those goals fulfilled.

Analysing the data on social media, feedback and fan requests, it became clear that having merchandise was an obvious growth area for Maddie Wade. Having reviewed the current logo, we felt it needed a refresh so that it worked on Web, Print and Merchandise in both small and large form factors. We needed the logo (or elements of it) to work on everything from a coffee cup, website, t-shirt and book cover. Metatec worked with Maddie Wade and put together the high resolution logo that met their exact requirements and style guidelines.

In addition to merchandise and logo, we put together a strategy to help Maddie Wade ensure they got the most from their social media following. To reduce the burden, we identified a great social media management tool and configured it to pull in all their feeds and make pushing out great content very simple.

Armed with a logo, a plan and the right tools, we're pleased with the progress we're making towards delivering the digital strategy for Maddie Wade and look forward to working with them on their next steps.

About Maddie Wade:

Maddie is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Fortis Security Series. Steamy Romantic Suspense, Paranormal and Contemporary Romance are her favourites to read and that is why she writes them. Writing a world where her readers can immerse themselves for a few hours and find complete escapism is what she strives for. To buy, visit  or visit their website

Matt is the Managing Director of Metatec. Prior to founding Metatec, Matt has worked in Hospitality, Retail, Financial Services, Media and more. Having a passion for solving problems, building solutions, writing strategies and even writing code, he enjoys many aspects of running an IT Consultancy and Services company.

Metatec are an IT Consultancy and Services company that have a passion for helping businesses create and run IT Solutions. Metatec offer services such as Software Development, Enterprise and Solution Architecture, Managed Hosting in Azure, writing strategies, integrating solutions and more.

Matt Parsons
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

  • Strategy
  • Development
  • Consulting
  • Architecture
  • Website Design